When you suffer an on the job injury, not only do you have to deal with your physical injury, but you also have to deal with your employer as well as your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance carrier.
The Indiana Worker’s Compensation Statute is complex and confusing. There are many traps and pit falls that an injured employee must be careful to avoid. The insurance adjuster deals with the Worker’s Compensation Statute on a daily basis. You as an injured employee do not. You must remember that the insurance adjuster is not in your corner.
The insurance adjuster's main goal is to close the file with the least amount of expenses incurred. Obviously the adjuster will not be concerned with your best interest.
You are either left to deal with the adjuster on your own in the complex world of worker’s compensation or you can seek advice from an attorney who focuses his practice in the area of Indiana Worker’s Compensation. When dealing with the insurance adjuster and the Indiana Worker’s Compensation system, you need to know what your rights and obligations are.
Contact the Law Firm of David M. Lutz, LLC. We will advise you of your rights and your obligations. David M. Lutz, LLC will represent you in all aspects of your worker’s compensation claim. We will represent you before the Indiana Worker’s Compensation Board. We will try your case. We will represent you in negotiations with the worker’s compensation insurance carrier. We will assist you in your obtaining medical care by advising you what rights you have in obtaining
medical care.